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zoom schedule

Class schedules change from week to week in order for us to continually adapt to your needs.

schedules will be updated every sunday


zoom class links

kids link (Muay thai/jiu jitsu)

Meeting ID:


link (all adult classes) 

Meeting ID:


Zoom Schedule

See our current schedule of Zoom virtual classes. Workout from home, stay on track with your fitness goals and continue

to learn and grow.

Zoom Recordings

Jump into a Zoom Recording and revisit previous lessons, train on your own time or get an extra session in to bump up your training regiment. 

Vimeo Instructionals

Our Vimeo library is constantly being updated with on-demand classes, technical breakdowns, combination walk throughs and at home drilling ideas.

Zoom Recordings

Missed a class? We are compiling a library of recorded Zoom classes to give you more options for training at home. Click the link below and browse what recorded classes we have available right now. 


We are doing between 1-2 link updates a week and we'll always post on social media and email when they become available.


thank you

We would not be here if it weren't for your continued support of our community

and vision.



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